Residual Dry Matter (RDM)
Residual Dry Matter (RDM) is herbaceous plant material left standing or on the ground at the beginning of a new growing season. It indicates the combined effects of the previous season’s forage production, breakdown over summer, and its consumption by grazing animals of all types. If properly managed it can provide soil protection, fire prevention, and perennial grass restoration
Estimating residual dry matter enables ranchers more flexibility to use livestock as a tool to protect soil and limit wildfire. It helps identify how much grass is being utilized by current grazing practices and allowing for adjustments in those practices. Applications of having RDM maps informs decisions such as:
RDM field collection
•Water Development placement
•Decreasing Stocking Rate in Low RDM Years
•Increasing Stocking Rate in High RDM Years
• Identifying Target Areas of High RDM for Fire Breaks